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Waz Up on Wednesday to resume

Posted on Thu, Aug 23, 2012

 Our weekly Wednesday evening church school program -- Waz Up on Wednesday -- will resume at 5:30 p.m. Sept. 12.

 We expect to serve an outdoors cookout for supper, conduct registration and enjoy a program by YES-FM, which will broadcast live from the church.

 If any adults express interest, Rev. Keeler will offer a special series of classes called Introduction to Christianity. The classes will examine basic Christian beliefs, study the creation of the Bible, and offer guidance in spiritual direction for any who are interested. In addition, Rev. Keeler will give class participants a chance to ask questions about our faith and will conduct special classes to attempt to answer thos questions. If you think you might be interested in the class, please see Rev. Keeler.

 This year's WOW program will feature "Heroes of the Bible," a series of studies of important figures throughout the Old and New Testaments. Each week's program will begin, as usual, with a special worship service and dinner and then move into classes, musical sessions, crafts, and games. Youth who are enrolled will participate in the on-going "Soul Surfer" program, a special series of classes on teen spirituality being led by Jim Nevel, youth director.

 A special meeting to arrange final planning for the WOW sessions, including a special Harvest Festival session Oct. 31, is scheduled at 7 p.m. Aug. 29. Anyone who is interested in helping or teaching is invited to participate.

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