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"The Will of God" study planned

Posted on Tue, Jul 31, 2012

A four-week book study

 Rev. Keeler will begin a four-week book study that examines "The Will of God," a classic work by Leslie D. Weatherhead that was first published in 1944 and has since been reprinted countless times.

 Rev. Weatherhead begins his book with this sentence: "The phrase 'the will of God' is used so loosely, and the consequence of that looseness to our peace of mind is so serious, that I want to spend some time in thinking through with you the whole subject. There is nothing about which we ought to think more clearly; and yet, I sometimes thing, there is nothing about which men and women are more confused."

 This classic work, which is less than 100 small pages long, can particularly help those who are struggling to understand God's will in the midst of great tragedy. Dr. Weatherhead wrote even as World War II was underway, and he wanted to correct the many wrong impressions that Christians have about just what God's will must be for us.

 This book study will take place on four consecutive Sundays beginning in September. They will take place in late afternoons in Rev. Keeler's home in Walbridge.

 If you are interested in participating, please let Rev. Keeler know, so that he can order supplies appropriately.

   Discussion: "The Will of God" study planned

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