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No complaints, please

Posted on Tue, Jul 10, 2012

 Rev. Keeler has challenged members of the church to engage in an exercise to banish complaining from their lives.

 Special purple wristbands were made available during worship July 8, and members who chose to try to quit complaining agreed to wear the bands until they can go 21 consecutive days without complaining in any way. Each time they fail and make a complaint of any kind, they agreed to switch the band from one wrist to the other and to restart the 21-day clock.

 It takes 21 days to create a new habit, Rev. Keeler told members.

 "If you don't believe me," he said, "go home and move your wastebasket five feet from where it currently sits. For at least the next 21 days, you will find yourself throwing trash on the floor where the basket used to sit."

 He is currently preaching a three-week series of sermons: No complaints, please. The sermons will show that biblical thinking demands that we think positively, act creatively, and change our lives to be more in line with godly living. Complaining is a way of life that harms our health, our relationships, our careers, our church, and our world.


   Discussion: No complaints, please

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