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Church conference slated Oct. 2

Posted on Wed, Aug 22, 2012

 Zion's annual church conference -- the gathering at which members of the church approve pastoral compensation and elect officers and committee meetings -- will be at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 2, in the fellowship hall.

 Rev. Kenneth Ladd, assistant district superintendent, will supervise the meeting.

 Members of the Lay Leadership Committee began discussing nominations this week for church officers beginning Jan. 1. Members who are interested in serving on various committees or in positions of leadership should speak with a member of the committee about possible nominations.

 Members of the committee include Marilyn Behm, Ann Draper, Donna Witt, Gary Gregg, Ken Leist, JoAnne Craft, and Laurie Andryc. They will nominate potential members for the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee, which supervises paid staff at the church; trustees, which maintain and supervise property and memorials; administrative council, which is the governing body of the church; the education committee, which supervises the church school; and the worship committee, which plans worship services. In addition, they will select representatives to a number of other committes, including the Joint Zion/Trinity Ministry committee.

 All church officers are either replaced or renominated to continue serving in their existing position.

   Discussion: Church conference slated Oct. 2

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