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Yes-FM helps kick off WOW!

Posted on Thu, Sep 13, 2012

Wednesday evening programming begins with picnic, celebration

 Yes-FM, Toledo's Christian radio station, broadcast live from the grounds of Zion UMC Wednesday as the 2012-2013 WOW program got underway.The broadcast was also heard in Lima, Fremont, and Wauseon.

 WOW chefs prepared a cookout meal of hot dogs, chips, melon and dessert for the children, youth and adults who participated.

 WOW is a Wednesday evening Christian education program that this year will introduce children to "Heroes of the Bible," a week-by-week study of key figures in the biblical texts. Teens who particpate will continue their "Soul Surfing" program, which is a basic introduction to Christian spirituality, under the direction of Jim Nevel, youth director, and adults who wish to attend class may gather in the lounge for Christianity 101, an adult version of a 35-week confirmation curriculum designed to explain the Bible, Christian history and thought, basic Christian doctrine, and other topics.

 WOW students also engage in musical training, crafts and games.

 WOW will begin at 5:25 p.m. each Wednesday with a brief opening worship and dinner in the fellowship hall. Please join us and invite a friend.

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